
Sino-New Zealand Waikato International College

Waikato International College is a non-independent legal person Sino-foreign cooperative education institution jointly established by Jinhua Polytechnic and WAIKATOaikato InstituteNSTITUTE ofOF TechnologyTECHNOLOGY, NewEW ZealandEALAND in February 2015 with the approval of the People's Government of Zhejiang Province. In September 2015, the first batch of three majors was introduced, which are Applied Electronic Technology, Computer Network Technology, and Computer Application Technology. In 2016, another two majors were added, which are Mold Design and Manufacturing, and Architectural Engineering Technology. Art Design and Digital Media Art were established respectively in 2018 and in 2021. In March 2020, Waikato International College was co-located with the College of Information Engineering to implement the dean responsibility system under the Joint Management Committee. It set up departments such as General Affairs Office, Teaching Affairs Office, Student Affairs Office and Cooperation Affairs Office, with an annual enrollment scale of 380 students. Waikato International College sets up specialty clusters based on “""Science and Technology + Art”" " with a focus on content, introducing and learning from others for distinctive development, and highlighting WORKSHOPworkshop project-based teaching and language characteristics. It aims to cultivate high-quality technical and skilled personnel with an international vision.