Specialty Clusters

I To serve Chinese Manufacturing and align with regional advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industries. To this end, Jinhua Polytechnic has built four specialty clusters:

1. Machinery Manufacturing & Automation Specialty Cluster (Intelligent Precision Manufacturing)

2. Electronic Information Specialty Cluster

3. Biomedicine Specialty Cluster

4. New Energy Vehicle Service Specialty Cluster


II To serve major livelihood projects and lead the development of regional social and public undertakings, this part includes two specialty clusters:

1. Preschool Education Specialty Cluster

2. Medical Care and Health Specialty Cluster


III To serve the modern service industry and integrate into the regional characteristic industry., the following two specialty clusters are included:

1. Culture and Tourism Creativity Specialty Cluster

2. Internet Economy Specialty Cluster


IV To serve the Rural Revitalization strategy and promote region agricultural modernization, This part includes two special clusters:

1. Modern Agriculture Specialty Cluster

2. Intelligent Construction Specialty Cluster